In its detailed judgement on the matter of promotions of 300 senior civil servants, the Supreme Court bench – comprising Chief Justice Saqib Nisar, Justice Maqbool Baqar and Justice Ijazul Ahsan – has made the following observation about the Central Selection Board’s (CSB) practice of allotting marks out of five to candidates for integrity/reputation: “The entire impugned process being flawed for want of a well-thought out, structured and objective criteria, and lacking in due process, gave way to arbitrariness, ambiguity, and a whimsical approach, inasmuch as drifting from reliance upon the service dossier of the officer, and instead placing reliance on undefined personal opinion, and that too without qualifying it with the necessity of being based on any tangible evidence/material, resulted in adverse recommendation.”
Published in Daily Times, July 3rd , 2017.