Pakistani Officials hope that Gwadar will be the new Dubai as it is not only a strategically located fishing port but also a gateway to China and Central Asia’s economy. The authorities plan to turn Gwadar into a duty-free port and an economic zone like Dubai.
Gwadar is situated on the shores of Arabian Sea near Iran and the mouth of Persian Gulf. Pakistan aims to build it as a regional commercial, industrial and shipping hub under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.
The main objective of designing Gwadar is to make it a shorter trade route for China via Pakistan to the Middle East. The trade route will definitely boost Pakistan’s economy along the way.
However, Gwadar has been facing water issues as it hasn’t rained there for three years. A representative of the development authority working under provincial government of Balochistan stressed that the climate change was affecting the region and was the reason for its thirst for water.
He added that since there is no rain, there is no fresh water, which is leading to water issues. The representative further added that the Akra Kaur reservoir had tried two years ago, so water is brought from a farther source now, while adding that the water coming in is contaminated with waterborne diseases.
It is not feasible to resolve the issue by tapping groundwater as the underground water is salty.
Authorities claim that the first phase of development has been completed and is growing rapidly. The total area carries about a population of 100,000 people which may increase to 500,000 by 2020.