A high-level meeting was held under the chair of Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar at his office on Monday to review the preventive measures against coronavirus.
The chief minister directed to take all possible measures, besides making necessary preparations, in the province for this purpose. It was decided to arrange diagnostic kits of coronavirus on an emergent basis. While giving approval of importing diagnostic kits, the chief minister directed to take all necessary measures for making the scanning system at airports more effective besides making close liaison with line departments.
Usman Buzdar directed Punjab Food Authority to strictly check fish markets and other food points and said that special attention should be paid for the cleanliness of such areas. Though the situation is normal in Punjab but we should complete all our arrangements; therefore, preventive measures developed by WHO should be strictly followed. Secretary Primary & Secondary Health informed that no suspected patient of coronavirus is found in Punjab. All the suspected patients found suffering from normal influenza. Surveillance and response units have been set up by the Punjab government which is functional round the clock. Isolation wards have been set up in hospitals. Screening work of more than 50 Chinese people has been completed. Coronavirus is an animal-related virus and there are some pieces of evidence of transferring of coronavirus from human beings to other people. There is learning of spreading coronavirus from the Chinese seafood market. Patients of coronavirus have been reported from some other countries as well. Symptoms of coronavirus are similar to that of pneumonia.
Advisor Health Hanif Pitafi, Mussarat Jamshed Cheema MPA, Additional Chief Secretary (Home), Secretary Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education, Secretary Primary & Secondary Health, Secretary Local Government and others attended the meeting.