LAHORE: Acting Chief of the Jamaat e Islami, Liaqat Baloch, has said that Pakistan came into being on the 27th of the Ramazan and an honest and corruption-free leadership alone could protect it and put in the path of progress. He was addressing Friday congregation at Jamia Masjid Khudija-tul- Kubra, Gulberg, here.
Liaqat Baloch said that Pakistan was a great blessing of Allah Almighty and despite all problems, it had a constitution and was a nuclear state having strong and valiant armed forces, and a member of the Shanghai Conference. The people of Pakistan were determined to protect it against all threats. Defense.
He said the people of Pakistan felt the agony of the Palestinians and the Kashmiris who were denied their freedom. The Pakistani nation condemned the tyranny of the Zionists and the Hindus in Palestine and Kashmir. He said it was the duty of the Muslim world to liberate the Qibla e Awwal from the Zionists hold.
The JI acting chief said that the current situation in the Middle East was an enemy plan to keep the Muslims divided and at war with one another and also to divert the attention from the situation in Palestine and Kashmir. However, he said that the peace in the world would remain a dream without solving the problems of Kashmir and Palestine.
He said that the national leadership and the parliament should evolve a common strategy to face the challenges facing the country including the Indian threats and the changing US designs besides the cold relations of the country with Iran and Afghanistan.